October 12, 2008

St. George

Two Saturdays ago I had the pleasure of joining over 5,000 other runners in the very scenic, never dull, St. George Marathon. Despite the blustery headwind complete with life-giving rain, many were in high spirits at the start. Over 50 mini bonfires were lit to warm runners as we all waited for the 6:45 start. Many of us came up on the early bus arriving 2 hours prior. It was a long wait but warm!

Clif Bar was out with around 12 pace crews. My goal this marathon was to qualify for Boston so I jumped right in with a 3:10 pacer named Mike. He carried those balloons the whole way, mad props my friend! There was a pretty regular crew in the pace group, I'll call them my 3:10 friends (Joe, Mike, etc). All a marathon really is anyway is a 26.22-mile long party, am I right?

I didn't bring a camera as it was too wet, plus I kinda didn't have time to stop. Highlights included the Veyo hill, the sub 6 Snow Canyon drop, the long stretch of annoying up from 17 to 19-ish, then the final 4 or 5 drop into St. George (very painful...ouch). Pretty much everyone left Mike at around 4 to go as we were ahead of schedule and he wanted to stay on pace. I ended up coming in at 3:07:21. Boston here I come!

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